Along with a talented team of peers, I spent the entire last school year creating Quilt (, an undergraduate literary publication at Queen’s University. From the website:
“We aim to interweave student voices and reconcile the divide between the creative and the scholarly
“Founded by the 2020-2021 Queen’s English Department Student Council, Quilt aims to feature the best and most thought provoking academic and creative work that the school has to offer. With a passion for studying literature both academically and creatively, Daniel Green, Larissa Zhong, and Kelsey Watt were keen on creating a space where the intersection between formality and imagination could exist.

“Quilt, the publication’s title, is derived from our aim to interweave student voices at Queen’s University and reconcile the divide between scholarly and creative work. We strive to create a new opportunity for students to see their hard work published and read, and in turn elevate the prestige of Queen’s English. Quilt is an opportunity for students to share work that they are proud of.”
Last year, I also had a short story published on the old English Department Student Council’s website under an experimental “Student Work” section. Coincidentally, the three of us that were featured on “Student Work” went on to found Quilt. As the sole Editor-in-Chief this year, I thought it’d be valuable to highlight the effort made by the three of us. Check it all out at
Read “Sephora” here: It’s a bit of a younger voice in comparison to what I’m writing now, but a decent story nonetheless, I think.
Graphics that Lauren Bale made for me on Quilt’s Instagram (

Quilt’s Instagram: